How to Stay Strong During Difficult Times

The Importance of Discipline

When we find ourselves facing challenges and feeling as though things are out of control, it is important to stay grounded no matter what and to bring new meaning to each day. Discipline can keep us grounded. Applying healthy strategies in a meticulous way in order to help us cope with uncertain times is a sure way to maintain a sense of control.

How to Better Cope with Stress

If we are stressed, sleep is heavily impacted. Therefore we recognize the importance of keeping a bedtime ritual. In his new book, The New Rules of Aging Well, Dr. Frank Lipman lists 5 strategies that can bring “high-quality, truly restorative rest:”

  • Dim the lights an hour or two before you plan to go to bed.
  • Relax your muscles with an Epsom salt soak. Add a couple of drops of soothing lavender oil.
  • Relax your brain by dumping out whatever is in there; you can make a to-do list or write in a journal. Pour out resentments or anger, and follow that exercise with a gratitude list.
  • Think about the kind of content you consume at night.[…] A crossword puzzle, a YA novel (yes, adults can read these too), gentle poetry, spiritual essays. Find what works for you.
  • If you can’t turn off your brain, listen to relaxing music or use a white-noise machine.

Of course, to develop a daily practice of meditation and/or breathwork is highly recommended. When we feel calm and well-rested our outlook on life is always more positive.

Additional Tweaks to Make to Target Psychological and Lifestyle Factors

These are a few other basic strategies I recently heard in a Fat-Burning Man podcast with Abel James:

  • Stay away from things you feel are taking up too much space in your life or are even bordering on addiction.
  • Make sure you are eating clean whole foods only.
  • Do a physical activity like a daily walk. It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous. This will help with sleep and stress.
  • Make sure you are getting some sun as close to sunrise as possible as this is helping with sleep and stress too.
  • Be patient with yourself and be good to yourself (when some days are not perfect). Keep persevering in making progress in the right direction even if it is at a very slow pace.

In Summary

During times of uncertainty, being diligent about keeping a bedtime routine and a clean diet along with daily exercise/movement, adequate sun exposure, and patience can really help in strengthening us in more than one way.

Until next time!


Lipman, Frank. The New Rules of Aging Well : A Simple Program for Immune Resilience, Strength, and Vitality. New York, Artisan, A Division Of Workman Publishing Co., Inc, 2020, pp. 62–5.

“Todd White: Biodynamic Wine, Bartering & Social Media Burnout | Fat-Burning Man.”, James, Abel, 23 Oct. 2020, Accessed 27 Nov. 2020.

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